Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud is an all-in-one software suited for graphic designers, animators, and anyone whose work involves creativity. With over 14,000 employees and $4.4 billion in revenue, Adobe Creative Cloud is used in digital media, digital marketing, printing and publishing industry.

It includes photography, video,  design and UX tools. The standout features that are unanimous for each of tool within the Adobe Creative Cloud are:

- User-friendly interface

- Low learning curve

- Sync and share

- Collaborate

- Admin console

- Handle customers, etc.

The cons of Adobe Creative Cloud are that the process to get device licensing and user provisioning working may be time consuming, and the customer service is not consistent. There's also no free plan, only a free trial.

Companies that use Adobe Creative Cloud

Let’s be honest. When you get that creative spark, MS paint (R.I.P.) is just not going to cut it. That’s why we rely on the best-of-breed suite of tools that Adobe has to offer, most notably Illustrator and Photoshop.

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